Are you drinking diet soft drink thinking that’s a better choice?

yummy food, healing food,

You have been told to drink diet or no calorie soft drinks instead of the real deal?

So many of my clients have! You are definitely NOT alone! But please do your research on them! It’s so important & I care ❤️

Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin which results in your body going into fat storage mode.

Studies involving thousands of people point out that artificially sweetened beverages may increase body weight and contribute to cardiometabolic risk despite containing few to no calories because of the “intense sweetness of artificial sweeteners, which may habituate toward a preference for sweets or stimulate an insulin response”, in addition to altering gut microflora in ways that have been linked to insulin resistance.
See a great article by Dr Axe here👇

There’s lots of research linking diet soda drinking to all sorts of health troubles, including depression, kidney damage, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, tooth erosion & many more.

Yes it’s a hard habit to ditch so begin by cutting back first & switching the habit. When you ditch a habit, your body naturally looks for another.
You could try swapping it out for kombucha. Or green tea. If you have a hard time drinking plain water, add a drop of dōTERRA’s essential oil. A lovely customer yesterday enjoyed a drop of wild orange in hers which as you might know, orange is a very calming scent so this will be a positive switch of habit.

👇did you know this about diet drinks?
Many don’t because of very clever marketing mostly.
There are loads of pub med articles on studies done with thousands of people.
I’m not wishing to scare you but sometimes to break a habit, research & findings will help you along that journey ❤️


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