How to Change Your Habits for Better Health

yummy food, healing food,

I see it over & over again where people decide ‘I’m going to be healthy’ and they go on some fad diet & wonder why it doesn’t work a few weeks from now as they just go back to their ‘normal life.’

If you truly want to make a change, it’s in the small habits you have every day. You need to re-wire that brain & you can’t do it all at once.

Pick one habit at a time & then take that & go step by step and then work on the next one!

So instead of an entire overhaul where you are setting yourself up for failure, pick one of these things & then after a few weeks go to the next! This will lead to the long sustainable change you’ve been after!

1. Work on your sleep. Getting enough will help your body repair & your hormones regulate. Look at your sleeping patterns you have now. Can you go to bed an hour earlier instead of watching TV or social media scrolling? Can you create a night time routine where your body winds down & you train your brain that it’s time for bed-I do this with a routine cuppa with turmeric oil, calming oils in the diffuser & stretching.

2. Work up a sweat! Start with one session a week whether it’s a run, yoga, Pilates, light weights or a gym class & then do more gradually. Get up a bit earlier each day to sweat for 15 minutes! Just that alone has massive health benefits as you help your body remove toxins & help your body back into balance.

3. Food.

- Cut fruit up to have healthy snacks to pick at for the day. When it’s prepped there’s not an effort to be healthy.

- Add a good fat to all of your meals & smoothies. Flax seeds, avocado, coconut, olives. They are the building blocks for hormones & will help regulate blood sugar & insulin so you don’t get those spikes & start craving those quick sugary hits!

-Swap out one of your caffeine hits for green tea. Then swap out two & so on. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can boost your metabolism. Drinking green tea results in reduced insulin levels. The antioxidants contained in the tea can also help regulate oxidative stress.

Is it easy to go on diets & change a million habits at once?


Stop being so hard on yourself & instead take baby steps!

⬇️1,2 or 3 from above. Which will you start with??


Are you drinking diet soft drink thinking that’s a better choice?


Your permission to eat chocolate!