How Much Water Should I Drink

🤔tired? Headaches? Snacking?

Pretty much all clients I see aren’t hitting their daily estimated fluid requirements!

BUT you don’t know what you don’t know!

Often when we are thirsty we mistaken it with hunger which can lead to over eating or snacking on things that maybe aren’t so great for us.

I challenge you to hit your daily water intake requirements & see what a difference it makes to you!

Do it for your body to:

▪️eliminate waste

▪️supply a medium where pretty much all chemical reactions take place in your body

▪️regulate body temperature

🤕Did you know that even a drop of as little as 2% in body water can cause:




▪️increased body temperature

▪️decreased blood pressure

▪️excessive thirst


▪️a decrease in concentration

💦To work out your minimum estimated fluid rate you need to know your weight (in kg).

You need 30-35ml water per kilogram each day.

So at 58kg I need 1740-2030 ml of water per day as a minimum.

The amount required will increase if you live in hot & humid climates or you exercise as you lose fluid through sweat.

It may be a little less for those who are sedentary or elderly who aren’t as active but also eat a lot of eater based foods like soups.

⬇️love to hear below, how much water do you drink each day?

Are you drinking enough?

🤔this could be a reason for those headaches, tiredness & eating too much!


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