Living a life without regret & 5 things to consider.

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Just stop & breathe!

Life isn’t meant to be so stressful.

If you haven’t already, read ‘the top five regrets of the dying’ by Bronnie Ware. I’ll link it up for you here.

The first one is finally where I am now & damn it feels good!

‘I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not what others expected of me.’

To get there, you need to find space to journal out exactly what that looks like! Who are you? What do you love doing? What does your ideal day look like?

True happiness isn’t found in money. It’s found in doing what you love every single day & then you monetize that so you can survive (bills still need to be paid & food still needs to land on the table).

That is exactly why I created the THRIVE membership for women. It was calling my heart for so long, I decided to live a life true to myself & not look back. You can see more about thrive here.

How can you honor your dreams so you can look back at the end of life & say, ‘gosh I went for that & it took bravery but I bloody did it and I loved every minute of it!’

The second was ‘I wish I didn’t work so hard.’ Get off the treadmill. It’s not easy but find a way. Your happiness is waiting for you.

The third was regretting expressing their feelings. Many just settled in life & carried resentment instead so never became who they wanted to be.

The fourth was ‘I wish I stayed in touch with my friends.’ Don’t get so caught up in your own life that you forget how amazing the power of friendship is. They bring you laughter, a shoulder, fun & so much more. Send them a beautiful message from time to time, a surprise pressie on their doorstep or a phone call or coffee date. They matter so much & they will be the ones with you in that nursing home!

The fifth was wishing they had let themselves be happier. Many said they were stuck in old habits & forgot HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. Fear of change held a lot of them back or just not taking the time to life audit & work on the most important thing, their happiness.

❤️I’d love to hear which one resonated most with you. There’s still time to work on it so when you look back, it isn’t your biggest regret.


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